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K8eBands-Perfect For ALL Children!

Posted on: September 7th, 2018

Although K8ebands were originally designed with autistic and special needs children in mind; we have come to realize that the safety aspect and features within K8ebands are perfect for ALL children.

We are hopeful that K8ebands will play a big part in the prevention of childhood drownings, missing children, exploited children, & child trafficking!

We will approach state and national zoos, amusement parks, water parks & museums about incorporating K8ebands within their facility to help parents keep track of their little ones in what are typically very crowded and easily distracting places where children can easily slip away.

As you can see, we have HIGH hopes for the success of K8ebands. But, the “success” of the business is NOT what matters to us. It is the SUCCESS of child safety for every family that uses K8ebands!