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As winter settles in…

Posted on: December 18th, 2018

As winter settles in, the swimming pools are closed, but the parks are still open!  Take your family out and get some fresh air. K8ebands are the perfect adornment for your little one as they run and play while reassuring you they are at a safe distance.  K8ebands can be used as often as little…

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K8ebands is looking forward…

Posted on: December 18th, 2018

K8ebands is looking forward to the new year with some new technology that will save you time and money! Stay tuned for the latest from K8ebands, KB LLC.

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As New Parents, We ALL Want What’s Best For Our Little Ones

Posted on: December 5th, 2018

As new parents, we ALL want what’s best for our little ones.  I was no exception when we had our 1st…..18 years ago! I distinctly remember picking out the perfect crib and bedding that I thought would match our baby’s personality.  The stroller and car seat were the safest ones we could afford, her blankets…

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Stigma? What stigma!

Posted on: October 18th, 2018

I have not told many people about this because I know the stigma that comes with this type of thing: I thought the same thing until it happened to me! I believe “busy” has become some sort of merit badge for parents. One that I felt I wore up until a few years ago.  I…

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We See It In The News Every Single Day

Posted on: September 28th, 2018

We see it in the news every single day, a child has gone missing! It breaks my heart, just as I am sure it does yours. Here at K8ebands, our aim is to PREVENT this from happening.  What if we could keep these children from wondering off, too far for us to see, before we…

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K8eBands-Safety Beyond The “Standard”

Posted on: September 7th, 2018

In recent news, at a local lake, a child nearly drowned.  Thankfully there was a woman nearby that knew CPR and was able to save the child’s life! With K8ebands, we are certain, in events such as this, our bands will aide in the prevention of tragedy.  K8ebands will notify the parent the instant the…

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K8eBands-Perfect For ALL Children!

Posted on: September 7th, 2018

Although K8ebands were originally designed with autistic and special needs children in mind; we have come to realize that the safety aspect and features within K8ebands are perfect for ALL children. We are hopeful that K8ebands will play a big part in the prevention of childhood drownings, missing children, exploited children, & child trafficking! We…

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Posted on: August 28th, 2018

K8ebands OFFICIAL LAUNCH will be held at the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas, NV October 7th-9th, 2018. EXPO is a nationally recognized event with 1000 vendors showcasing the newest and most advanced products for kids and children.  We are excited to be a part of this year’s EXPO! We will be in booth number…

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